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The Ward Family
The Road to Northside
Ward Bio
Oct. 24, 2024
Kurt and Marsha Ward recognize that ministry can be messy. About 25 years ago, that messiness resulted a tremendous amount of hurt in their lives, causing them to run from God and turn away from serving Him.
But God is faithful, and He lovingly and patiently brought them to a place where they could see God’s goodness among that messiness. Now, God has them on a path to help others – those who may have been turned off by church at some point or those who have been hurt by God’s imperfect people.
From summer 2019 until fall of 2020, God guided a series of steps that led to the planting of Northside Fellowship. The Wards did not see themselves as church-planters; however, God had a specific ministry for them, and He led them to launch this new church.
Since the early thoughts of a new church, the vision has been abundantly clear. Northside is to be a neighborhood church, serving the people of East Burlington. The church facilities look very much like another home on Homewood Avenue, making it clear that this church is to be a good neighbor in this neighborhood.
At the same time, Northside is to be a place for those who may have (at one time or another) been negatively “labeled” by others – not good enough, not spiritual enough, not smart enough, etc. During Jesus’ earthly ministry, he shattered many of the “labels” that others placed on the outcasts. He used fishermen and farmers and tax collectors to spread His good news throughout the land.
Northside Fellowship is made up of a similar mosaic – a group of diverse people from various backgrounds who come together to love and serve an all-mighty God.
Kurt’s own background is a hodge-podge of communication and writing/editing positions. A native of Wilkesboro, N.C., he has served as a newspaper and magazine editor; a sports reporter covering everything from pee-wee football to Olympic athletes and NASCAR races; a non-profit marketing and public relations specialist; and a radio morning show host. Throw in more than 16 years in full-time ministry, and Kurt’s experience is a mosaic in its own right.
Marsha started her career in corporate accounting, but she made the move to teaching Business Education classes about 27 years ago. She now teaches at Western Alamance High School, her alma mater.
Kurt and Marsha have three amazingly talented children – Ashley, Brad and Casey. Ashley, the oldest, is now married to Price, and they live and work in Raleigh. Brad, perhaps the most adventurous of the Wards, has lived in five states over the past eight years. He is now in Indiana. Casey is at home for her senior year of high school. She, too, plans to spread her wings soon.
The Ward Household also provides shelter to rescued animals, including several cats and a family of backyard deer. If Marsha gets her way, they will continue to rescue any hurting animal that God would choose to send to them.
To meet the Ward Family in person, please join us on Sunday morning for our 10:30 a.m. worship service.